Reflections on Meditation - September 2023
This months reflections on meditation. A collection of Substack notes for the month of September 2023 from Now About Meditation
Buddhist Monk Bhikkhu Bodhi comments,
“For the spiritual life to unleash its full potential as a fountainhead of grace and blessings, the wisdom of selflessness on its own is not sufficient. The force needed to empower wisdom is compassion."
Here, Bhikkhu Bodhi emphasizes the profound interplay between wisdom and compassion within the contemplative journey. He suggests that while wisdom, particularly the wisdom of selflessness, is undeniably pivotal in one's pursuit of a contemplative life, it alone is not enough to help us reach the fullness of our contemplative journey. We also need compassion. In fact, Bhikkhu Bodhi eludes that compassion serves a VERY important role, and it is the vital fuel that empowers and propels wisdom forward. It is through compassion, and the expression of profound empathy and benevolence towards all sentient beings, that wisdom finds its true purpose and application. Together, these two elements form a harmonious partnership, unleashing a fountainhead of grace and blessings that not only enriches the individual's spiritual path but radiates outward, positively impacting the world at large.
Contemplative teacher John Tarrant comments,
“The attempt to look at your attitude—what you are feeling and thinking and the frame that holds it, is one of the routes to freedom."
In this statement, John Tarrant, argues for how the examination of one's attitude, and delving into the intricate web of emotions, thoughts, and the underlying framework that supports them, becomes a pivotal path towards liberation. John Tarrant underscores the profound significance of self-awareness and introspection in our journey towards personal growth and emancipation. By turning our gaze inward and closely scrutinizing our inner landscape, we can unravel the mysteries of our own psyche and discern the factors that shape our perspectives and reactions. In this act of self-examination, we uncover the power to transcend limiting beliefs, overcome emotional barriers, and ultimately, achieve a state of true freedom and self-realization. John Tarrant's words are a resonating reminder that the path to inner freedom begins with a fearless exploration of our own inner world.
Joseph Goldstein beautifully captures the profound essence of generosity when he states,
"The beauty of generosity is that it not only brings us happiness in the moment—we feel good when we give—but it is also the cause for happiness to arise in the future."
In this simple yet profound statement, Joseph Goldstein points to the dual nature of generosity. It is an act that not only fills our hearts with immediate joy but also plants the seeds of happiness that will blossom in the days, months, and years to come. When we give freely, we create a positive ripple effect in our own lives and in the lives of others, sowing the seeds of goodwill and kindness that ultimately lead to a more joyful and harmonious world. Generosity, in all its forms, is a timeless source of happiness that keeps giving back, enriching both the giver and the receiver.
“Like a scared child relaxes and calms down when it is held by a loving parent, our agitated thoughts and emotions become quiet when feeling the security of a caring heart." - by Radhule Weininger
Radhule Weininger beautifully illustrates the profound connection between emotional security and inner peace. She compares our agitated thoughts and emotions to a scared child, emphasising that just as a child finds solace and comfort in the loving embrace of a caring parent, our inner turmoil can find respite when enveloped by the warmth of a compassionate heart. This analogy highlights the transformative power of love and empathy in soothing our restless minds and calming the storms of our emotions. Weininger's words remind us of the profound healing potential that exists within the simple act of caring and being cared for, showing us that through the nurturing embrace of compassion, we can find serenity and tranquillity even in the midst of life's turbulence.